Category Archives: spring

#610: The Far Side of Sesachacha Pond

There used to be a wood gate off Polpis Road.
It opened onto a dirt road to Sesachacha Pond.
The gate and most of the road are gone now,
but it’s a peaceful 1/2 mile walk.
With a view of Sankaty Light over the marsh

And fox grape buds everywhere,
We’ll be sure to come back in the fall to pick grapes.

At road’s end there’s a path down to the pond.

Perfect for fishing.

Or duck hunting, in season.
the name of this building is
‘Duck Wack Shack’

There are bridges across waterways 
from the marshes. Improvised…
And solidly built. 
So many birds in here!
Heard but not seen.
Nature feels the same way about this sign as I do.

Here are the true resident of Sesachacha:
wild oysters,

Ospreys, and the fish they eat.

Garbage in the brush comes from people,

not trees reaching for the moon,

nor deer,

nor the sandpiper who left these delicate prints

Back up the path to home.
Leaving behind Sesachacha as we found it.
It’s all yours, sandpiper.

#609: The Grey Lady strikes again

Is all this grey getting you down?
Rain, rain and more rain?
Even on Daffodil Weekend!
Here’s a bit of color to cheer you up:
Let’s start with food.
What could be better than a sushi party
when it’s grey and rainy?

Caterpillar roll. Raa!

Flowers on the kitchen windowsill.
If one must do dishes,
 at least one can enjoy beauty while doing so.

A bouquet worthy of the flower show.
Brought to me by a friend who came
over for tea. 
I have the sweetest friends.

All color deprived Islanders need a mandevilla.
A showy feast for the eyes.

And a shy orchid.
She was hiding her beauty under her leaves
in the upstairs bathroom.
Surprised by beauty,
it’s more precious in all the grey.

#536: Nantucket Spring

Spring on Nantucket is fleeting.
Some years it’s only days long.
Baby chicks, snuggled in
Grow to kid chicks, tasting the outdoors,

Then to teen chicks, 
catch me if you can…
Peeking starflowers give way to
 Quaker ladies

and climbing poison ivy.
the moors will still be lonely,

the boat basin,  not so much.

#533: Bantams in a Bucket

It’s time.
The bantam chicks have flight feathers.
Time for them to go in their outside run.
They’ve never seen grass before.
First, into the bucket for the short trip outside.

Wait, what? What’s going on?

Oh, a pile of feed. We understand that.

Can I eat this?
Yes! Cherry blossoms are yummy.

So much space.
It’s a bit nerve-wracking.

But all my friends are here,

and David’s keeping a watchful eye.

#531: Escape to Lily Pond

The summer has barely begun.
We are already sneaking off to the Lily Pond
to escape the crowds.
Scoping out a picnic site.

The cedar grove is taken…

This tree will do.

Cinnamon fern unfurls only in spring but
We’ll be back again and again,

to watch apple blossoms turn to fruit.
And grape vines yield grapes.

Thorny bushes, blackberries.

And the high-bush blueberries, visions of thieves.

Wally wishes she could come.

#525: Baby Chicks!

We’ve paid too much attention to evil lately.
Here’s some goodness and awwws:
Bantam chick, four days old.

Jesus reminds us:

In this world

you will have trouble

 but take heart
(be of good cheer)

I have overcome the world.

There is fellowship

and comfort, still.

#520: Flowers and Fuzzy Chicks

There’s some serious Spring Fever
happening around here.
My daughter and I just doubled the size 
of the perennial bed and my son cleaned the basement.
So, a bit of Spring silliness,
featuring the colors we’ve missed this grey winter:
The flowers were from David for my birthday


The chicks are prizes

for Sunday School kids

who’ve memorized their Bible verses

Peeking pink.

And yes, the daffodils are blooming.

#515: Spring Equinox snow

We woke this morning to a magical snow:

Cisco Beach

Cisco Beach cliff,
quite a bit of erosion
 from all the storms this winter.

Snow covered roofs, icicle sparkle
At first glance, a crashing wave
but it’s the grasses at the side of the road,
snow dusted.
Even in the snow, a true sign of Spring:

Political yard signs,
in all the languages Nantucket speaks.
Here’s hoping my son, Tobias,
gets elected this time.

#510: Searching for spring

These are the grey months.
Wind, wet, cold.
Signs of spring can be found:
The big picture is still grey

 but if you get down close,
and lost in the details,
 the crocuses are nearly blooming.

And, even tho’ the trampoline is still
upside down due to high winds,
the tete-a-tete daffodils are peeking up.
I would report on Spring birds
at the feeder but there weren’t any this morning.
Unless you count our chickens as songbirds.
Which I don’t.

#395: Sermon Haiku 36: Revelation 2:18-29

What do you want to 
(holiness not in top ten)
Be when you grow up?
Pursue holiness
So easy to drift away
God empowers more
God’s declaration
Set apart, royal priesthood
Take off your sandals
Don’t be led astray
All sin is idolatry
Worship self or God
Stop, listen, turn back
There is joy in holiness
Walking with Jesus
Heed the Spirit’s voice.